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National Encounter & Virtual Connection With Pope Francis

Scholas is a global educational movement founded by Pope Francis in 2013. With a mission to promote social integration and cultural exchange.

UN SDG Media Summit at Earth X Conference

As part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Summit at Earth X Conference in Dallas, Scholas USA provided some significant contributions with the Foundations work with Laudato Si and Integral Ecology.

Los Angeles County Proclamation of Scholas 10 Years and “Pelota de Trapo Day”

Los Angeles County unanimously voted a Proclamation to Scholas Occurrentes in celebration of 10 years of work as an Education Foundation created by Pope Francis. It also proclaimed “Dia Pelota de Trapo” on Scholas' anniversary, August 13.

Scholas in 2023

National Catholic Youth Conference

Scholas is In November we were at the National Catholic Youth Conference with the invitation to build a new narrative from the dreams that young people express today. More than 200 young people participated.

We also offered two workshops to more than three hundred young people with the objective of sharing and dialoguing on the culture of encounter. Here is one of their ideas: "Everyone is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be encountered."

As in NCYC to create a new culture of encounter where behind the singularities, there is something very powerful that brings us together and everyone is part of it.a global educational movement founded by Pope Francis in 2013. With a mission to promote social integration and cultural exchange.


Meeting With Pope Francis

On November 2023 we had the great privilege of bringing a delegation of early Scholas USA supporters to Rome and Vatican City where we had the honor of meeting His Holiness Pope Francis.

He spent time with us speaking about the importance of bringing youth together, dialoguing about issues important to them, and investing in our shared future. It was a moment none of us will forget, and it underscored our commitment to global education and youth empowerment.

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Support Scholas

In order to fulfill our mission of having students from the most diverse social backgrounds participating, Scholas offers its programs ENTIRELY FOR FREE for Students and Teachers.

If you are interested in donating for our programs in Africa and Latina America you can also make your donation here or visit

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